Monday, 09 September 2013 06:46 PM
Ugh, it's so damn hot Westie was a bad choice.
Monday, 09 September 2013 05:03 PM
I want more than anything to become a Medical Doctor, but Sophomore year is already so stressful and I don't want to let down my parents.
Monday, 09 September 2013 04:55 PM
To the arabian girl with the black glasses by the slough, two things.. One, I like your style. Two, you're really pretty.
Monday, 09 September 2013 04:04 PM
to the guy who lives in 1J and plays lacrosse you are so god damn cute . and most of the other lacrosse: you are hot af
Monday, 09 September 2013 03:31 PM
If you're a guy who has a sense of humor, likes the outdoors, country music, and Duck Dynasty, then we need to chat. These types of guys are so hard to find here.
Monday, 09 September 2013 12:27 PM
So I met this guy and I'm pretty sure the universe wanted us to find each other. The first day we met we went on an adventure to a lake hiked through the meadow that felt like memory foam and got in the lake. The mud was warm and the water cold so we were covered in mud. We got almost completely naked and we didn't have sex. It was euphoric and I want to do it again(:
Sunday, 08 September 2013 08:02 PM
I need more guy friends, but whenever I go to introduce myself everyone just assumes I want sex, I really just want a movie/video game buddy who doesn't do all the annoying girly drama
Sunday, 08 September 2013 05:14 PM
My quest to have sex in every building on campus will begin tonight...