Thursday, 27 March 2014 09:42 PM
I'm in love with a DON senior that I've probably talked to like once.
Thursday, 27 March 2014 08:19 PM
So many of these confessions explain my life. There are two reasonable explanations here, the first is that there are a lot of us that have the same type of problems, the second, I have multiple personalities, that know about my current personality, and feel the need to share my life. I think the second explanation is more likely. ;)
Thursday, 27 March 2014 05:31 PM
how do guys get with girls so easily? whenever I try and make a move the response is usually "aww that's cute"
Thursday, 27 March 2014 12:15 PM
I would like to thank the perspective students who have come to Augie over the last couple of days because of you, the CSL food has made a significant improvement!
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 11:05 PM
at the end of winter term I became horribly depressed for no reason in particular. because I was feeling so depressed I decided not to pledge because that would only make matters worse having a bunch of people bitch at me for 5 weeks and say "their not that bad its worth it". I'm pretty sure it was a good idea because my depression has gotten worse but when I try and go to my friends for help they always are too busy with pledge stuff or cant bother to help me because they're perpetually hung over or miserable. I've gotten to the point that I don't even go to classes anymore and my friends have completely deserted me.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 05:30 PM
To the girl working out in carver, 2 quick things. 1) Your clean form is awesome. 2) I would love to take you to dinner sometime, because you are gorgeous.
Monday, 24 March 2014 03:57 PM
Ok I'm a senior and I've been friends with this girl since freshman year and her friends, our mutual friends, and even her mother hints about us being together... I'm not sure how to bring it up because I'm kinda what society would call a "shy nerd"
Monday, 24 March 2014 03:52 PM
Looking at everyone pledging I wish I would've pledged or at least rushed... Can I do it next year as a junior?!