Sunday, 27 September 2015 10:39 AM
Remember when this was a thing?
Thursday, 22 January 2015 04:29 PM
To the cute guy in the brew right now reading Harry Potter, wish I had the courage to come talk to you.
Sunday, 09 November 2014 02:17 AM
The black girl from ETU is sooooo cool...
Monday, 27 October 2014 05:23 PM
To the kid who is frantically ripping up papers, huffing and puffing, and sighing loud enough so the whole silent floor can hear you, maybe you should go have a spaz attack in your own room. Thanks for making me get up and move because you are too inconsiderate of others working hard because ITS WEEK 10. -End rant-
Friday, 17 October 2014 09:30 AM
For a couple weeks while I was a CA, I was sexually harrassed on just about a daily basis. I never got help because I believed my AC would punish me more than she would actually help me.
Monday, 06 October 2014 05:53 PM
Officer Beckman is the hottest Public Safety Officer ever.
Saturday, 20 September 2014 05:42 PM
Upperclassmen - Stop complaining about freshmen complaining. I'm a junior. Yes, it does get harder. Way freaking harder, but that doesn't mean freshmen year wasn't hard as shit too. You complained about being stressed when you were freshmen. It's hard. We go to a hard school. Each person's experience is going to be completely different. Just because you are older doesn't mean that your life is more difficult.
Friday, 19 September 2014 10:51 PM
Dear people of paintball parties: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Townies and students who have jobs in the morning live on your street. They deserve to be able to sleep. Other houses have parties and they are not NEARLY as loud as yours. Show a little respect and shut THE FUCK UP PLEASE. It's annoying as shit.