Monday, 16 September 2013 10:33 PM
I don't even go here.
Monday, 16 September 2013 07:41 PM
I just tried to make myself throw up again
Monday, 16 September 2013 06:42 PM
A few years ago I went to Duluth with one of my friends. While we were driving around I saw Emerson B walking with his friends. I told my friend that I went to school with him and he pulled over to the side of the road. I was too embarrassed to get out of the car and we drove off, probably leaving them confused and weirded out.
Monday, 16 September 2013 09:09 AM
I'm still not over you!!
Monday, 16 September 2013 01:51 AM
I hear voices in my head.They counsel me.They understand.They talk to me.
Monday, 16 September 2013 01:36 AM
Walter White is my role model.
Monday, 16 September 2013 12:17 AM
I want to hook up with a first year, anyone interested?
Sunday, 15 September 2013 10:56 PM
If you need an ear I'll listen