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Monday, 08 April 2013 07:30 PM

I've been questioning my sexuality since I was 9-10. I thought college I would find someone to open up to but the way I "dress" and "act" I guess hasn't drawn me to the GLBTA community. I am a transfer student and frankly have made only a few friends. I guess I just wish I has someone to talk to because I feel like when I passively bring it up with high school friends like going "yeah he made fun of me being lesbian for calling _____ hot." I've gotten "Hahah you could never be lesbian. I'd never think that. You're the furthest thing from it --- plus all the guys who like you.."

I don't want to graduate college still in the closet but I have no idea how to start this process.
Not do I want to go to some GLBTA meeting for my first step.

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Monday, 08 April 2013 06:59 PM

People always get so offended when they hear the truth, like DAMN! its just the truth
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Monday, 08 April 2013 06:58 PM

I bet every straight guy at the Vagina Monologues was there to get some.
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Monday, 08 April 2013 06:35 PM

Just had one of those moments where I realized what an utter and complete fuck-up I am.
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Monday, 08 April 2013 06:26 PM

I need to get this off my mind..I was walking through OGC to get to the library, and I was casually looking into the classrooms as I was passing by, and I swear to God there were kids taking shots in class. I'm just trying to stay sober over here...
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Monday, 08 April 2013 06:10 PM

I play hockey and am from Colorado. Sometimes I really miss home, until I turn on my xbox, pour a drink, and pet my awful goatee.
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Monday, 08 April 2013 05:32 PM

I peed in my roommate's Naked juice when she left for a little bit while we were doing homework in the lobby..oops. Nutritious.
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Monday, 08 April 2013 05:29 PM

YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's single again...
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Augsburg Stats

Total Confessions: 3282
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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