Friday, 30 August 2013 03:52 PM
Through out my years in college I realized the difference from being "used" to being "respected" when it comes to friendships. I now understand the meaning of saying "no" than to say yes and regret it. Standing up for myself and being who I really want to be has been rough, especially having "bad" company on your side. But hey lets face it, these "friendnemies" are the ones who make us grow and make us realize who we don't want in our life's and who we DON'T want to become. Those "friends" who say they have your back, when they don't, or who say they will support you when they don't, have taught me that I need to support MYSELF and not wait around for someone to hold my hand and help me get out of a deep hole. Cheers to those "friends" who were never actually there, just watching the scene, because you lovely "friends" helped me grow into someone who realized I need myself and only myself to move on and get back up again. I'm not trying to be ego here and say we don't need anyone, but do realize that if there are people out there who do love you and care about you, why not spend time with them instead? I lost friends because I finally stood up for myself and said no. Challenge of the day: Stand up for yourself demand respect because you deserve that. Then hopefully those friends of yours will still be by your side. If not, no worries, keep going with your life. True friends will come your way.
Thursday, 29 August 2013 09:34 PM
Towards October, Augsburg's multi-racial student clubs come together to plan a fall leadership retreat for all of their members. AASA (Augsburg Asian Student Association) plans a stimulation called The Odyssey. Outside of The Odyssey, everyone in the clubs are friends (or at least know each other). But in The Odyssey there are the bad guys and the good guys. I have been and still will be super cautious about making real friends and telling them about myself because I don't want someone to use this to make me emotionally unstable (more than I already am) for a stimulation.
Thursday, 29 August 2013 01:09 PM
Since conservatives are so cheap, they probably try to use Progressive insurance. But they aren't allowed to, because that would be like dividing by zero.
Thursday, 29 August 2013 09:31 AM
I literally have a key to my deepest, darkest secret.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013 01:51 AM
Hey everyone, if you don't already have the app Circle of 6 for iPhone and Android, you should get it. It is a great way to stay safe while partying. The app helps you discreetly stay in contact with 6 of your closest friends, so they can come rescue you if you are in an uncomfortable situation, or need help. It won the White House's Apps Against Abuse contest, and it's pretty cool. Check it out at
Monday, 26 August 2013 02:55 PM
I still haven't told my "friends" that I'm so incredibly hurt and depressed that no one wanted to live with me this year. So now I'm stuck in a shitty dorm and all I want to do is move back home.
Sunday, 25 August 2013 02:33 PM
I work for Reslife...and I hate it.
Friday, 23 August 2013 05:31 PM
How can I get a parking permit ?
I tried online but choose what parking lot you want it says click "W" icon..its so confusing :O
Thank You!