MIT  Confessions

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#428 "Is it too much to ask for a friend that you can trust will hold you in your arms, hug you while you cry, and love you no less for showing them your weaker side?"

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#427 "I'm wondering if the girl in the abusive relationship on isawyou is me.... where is the post? And I don't really need help by the way. It looks worse than it actually is and I'm okay where I am. "

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#426 "I wonder if Caterina Colon found the condom I left in her room during CPW."

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#425 "That awkward moment when a cute girl turns out to have a one-trick personality..."

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#424 ""I really want to see evidence that this person they captured is actually responsible for the bombings and shootings." - THANK YOU. I want to see it too, have them release the videos which apparently show them planting the bombs. Otherwise, it is almost like placing the verdict before the trial and evidence. We have seen no evidence except a video of two people just walking by a camera and standing among the crowd, amidst hundreds others. We have no evidence, other than WORDS. I hope more people see the need for evidence here, and demand it from the authorities, rather than blindly believe what the authorities tell them. If this is how the justice system in the US worked, the courts and public just inhaling whatever the officials may say, then the world would be a very scary place. Guys, put your thinking caps on and don't trust everything you are told if there is no hard facts to back it up. Thanks. "

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#423 "My friend posted about an abusive relationship a day ago on isawyou, including descriptions of the couple in hopes that somebody would recognize them and help the girl. Posts submitted after it have been published. "

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#422 "I didn't come to college this desperate. "

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#421 "I never realize how interesting a subject is until I'm cramming for the exam that's going to be in 2 hours and then I don't have time to enjoy it"

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