Hamline  Confessions

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"I have a little less respect for girls who masturbate with cucumbers, electric toothbrush handles, etc. I just want to tell them to woman up and buy an inexpensive vibrator."

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"To the kid freestyle rapping in Anderson the other night, You're really good! I want to hear that album :)"

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"ATTENTION HAMLINE RAPPERS - Lets settle the scores once and for all in a Battle Royale..."

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"Im a man, and looks are not what I look for in women. Sure, they help, who doesn't want an attractive partner? But honestly, you can be the sexiest woman alive, a perfect ten in all regards. But If we cant talk about Foucault, Nietzsche and Star Trek, were not getting busy... Sorry."

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"jordan and alex are obviously the best bromance on campus next to the recently graduated zev and orlando."

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"Abbey Erlanson, please don't leave. You're going to the California Academy of Art next year and I regret not telling you how I have felt about you for some time now. You're simply amazing and no words can describe my feelings and friendship towards you. -A close friend."

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"I dated a guy for almost two months during high school and never actually learned his last name. I only needed to say his last name when my parents were asking about him (which means I probably only had to say it a total of twice, because after the first time, they then knew who I was talking about and the second time was to remind them what his last name was). All my friends already knew him and knew who I was talking about when I refered to him by his first name only, so I never really had to say his last name more than a handful of times, and so never actually ended up learning it. I kind of feel like an awful person now for never learning it... and I realize just how awful I am with remembering names..."

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"Laura Wagner has the hottest A$$ on dis campus. mmm, gimme some of datt"

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