MIT  Confessions

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#452 "I still think I'm not good enough. "

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#451 "A week ago, we were anxious and confused, scared, tired, angry, devastated. It seems so oddly far away now. I wish everyone the best in their healing process, and please go and get help if you need to. And if you're not sure if you need it or not, talk to someone anyway! Forget the stigma around mental health issues, there is no shame! I want my MIT family to be healthy <3 "

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#450 "I can't stand people sometimes. All the people that post hateful messages on the page honoring Officer Collier, and people voicing their own harsh opinions on the events of last week with what seems like a very small amount of reflection raise my blood pressure. I know I don't have to waste my time reading it, but when I see stuff like that, I try so hard to understand why people are like that, and I can't help but hope that they'll all eventually calm down, open their eyes and appreciate everyone around them despite all of the differences. "

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#449 "I am a robot Beep Boop Beep Beep Boop"

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#448 "I always get really exited when I get emails about free food, but I am always too shy to actually go and get it. Like I'm afraid that I will get there and look silly. Oh well, looks like Ramen tonight :P"

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#447 "Half the confessions these days are from prefrosh about loving CPW but being scared for MIT. We were all scared too, okay? Still are. Now can we please move on to other subject matter because it's getting ridiculously redundant."

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#446 "I agreed to be friends with benefits with a girl. Now I'm falling in love with her, while she just wants the hookup. But I don't want to break things off because at least this way I get to kiss her."

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#445 "i am stressed all the time. I feel like a bitch. but i just want to slap the know-it-all annoying assholes that seem to surround me."

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