Hamline  Confessions

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"People who are defending HU Burnbook probably didn't even see some of the shit posted there was super racist, calling someone "really black" or "fugly" or "albino" or telling people to shut the fuck up. If you say that page was to promote a voice that's been silenced and needs to be heard, I disagree with you in full. If you read the U.S. Constitution for once and read the precedent and case law that has shaped the way in which the first amendment applies to speech, you would know better. Fighting words, discriminatory words, words used to promote bullying may be all and well with you but why continue this cycle of bullying? Also many of these comments are not allowed under private school policies. If the admins of that page would have continued to publish the posts of libel and defamation of others but not under the HU name, case law says it probably would have slid by OK. You should be ashamed if you think calling someone fugly is a GOOD practice of your freedom of speech or calling someone really black."

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"I'm not pastey baby, I'm porcelain ;) #SB2013"

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"Emily Behrman is so hot."

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"I once found a staple in my Anderson procured dessert. I contemplated suing the school, but instead, I just picked the staple out and ate the rest of the brownie."

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"OP guy who wrote "She seemed to really like me in the beginning but something had happened" Here, in response to the last post about me: I'm not quite willing to give a way my full identity on this page but I will tell you I'm a sophomore guy here at Hamline, and if that sounds like your situation then we can go to the next step to confirm identities before meeting up in person."

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"I don't know if she wants to be in a relationship with me, I kind of do, but I am also scared of getting into one."

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"Joe vetter: you look like finn from glee. can i be your rachel berry? holla"

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"When my roommate is out of the room and I need a Kleenex, I like to conserve mine and use his instead. I have done this since freshman year. It's a great way to save!"

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