Hamline  Confessions

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"Dear Student worker blowing leaf blower aimlessly at 8 AM, Have some respect. You are currently blowing wind at an empty sidewalk. I am almost positive that is not the outdoor job you were assigned. It is finals week, I am sleep deprived, and I need any minute of sleep I can get, so thanks for waking up the entire dorm." Sincerely, Awakened

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"To the person who thinks penises look weird: I completely agree with you. It takes a while to get used to, just like it may take a while to get used to the person attached to the penis. If you're confidant in yourself, though, you'll be fine. It's just another new thing to try."

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"To clarify an earlier post: people judge my bf because he's weird, not because he's abusive or a player or controlling. He's helped me because I've felt comfortable talking to him about my demons whereas before I would just keep to myself and just let them consume me. They like to comment on how he's too weird or annoying for them and how they don't understand how I put up with it when his mannerisms really aren't all that weird and he's honestly a really caring guy who does nothing but look out for me and encourage me to stick up for myself. Despite my issues, I am a strong woman who technically doesn't need a man but I love this one and I just want people to respect my relationship."

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" BOOM. Bedloft."

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"Honey, your boyfriend is a cheater. He's cheated on you with over 11 girls and I have several pictures of his dick on my phone. Stop trying to kid yourself. Man up, grow some balls, drop the sleazebag, and figure out how to live life for yourself."

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"If someone tell you that your bf cheated on you. I wuld listen or at least hear them out. Not listening is a big mistake."

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"ffs, lets just do it already, or just tell me you don't want to anymore. Wondering what you are thinking is literally more stressful than finals."

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"Whining is totally cool if you do it where non- whiners do not have to deal with it.... this goes for anonymous whiners and and straight up look at me doing it in public ones.... its totally cool if you do it.. but just do it where other people don't have to suffer through the side effects... please and thank you."

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