UNT Confessions

My bf, bestie & I are looking for new friends who we can count on. For example: if you were to ask the night before what we had planned for Saturday and I said playing "WaterFall" or Kingscup and or cooking, and you said ok well count me in then I wound. Then you text me all day asking the same sh•t we've already discussed " it has UN the past to have a tendency to piss me off. But I'll kindly explain to you what was talked about previously. Then I see you at the mall before the party that night and ask "Hey your coming tonight right??? Your reply is: yes I'll be there even if your significant other doesn't wanna go." Then I text you when I'm on my way home from the store and you don't answer you send me to voice mail, then text you still no answer so I text your bf and his response is no man we're going to bed we're beat. Then why F¤¤k do you tell me and my bestie you'll be there no matter what??? God that pisses me off beyond belief. End of story we need new friends sick of the same old bulls¤¤t!!
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