Hamline  Confessions

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Where on campus is a good place to look for jobs as a freshman?

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For everyone saying we should abolish the police, not have police at pride, refuse to ever call them, etc. - do you seriously not see what could go wrong with this? Refusing to have police, especially telling the whole world that you won't call them, makes you a target. If you think a few corrupt cops are bad you have no idea just how bad criminals can get once they think there's nobody to keep them in check.

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For everyone who thinks we should abolish the police - look at what happened to Somalia. They actually had no law enforcement. There are no words that describe how horribly it went. Why do you want to try the exact same thing here?

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I have kept a Listerine bottle of my own piss in my closet for two years.

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When I have the time, I spend hours in the bathtub every day. This isn't much of a confession until you realize that over the course of a few hours, your skin will absorb a lot of water, and that water has to go somewhere. So by the time I'm finished with my bath, I'm soaking in my own piss, in distinctly yellow-tinted water, arguably dirtier than when I got in. Also, #HeWillNotDivideUs

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Y'all know how to get a fake ID at 18 but can't figure out how to photo copy your commencement tickets onto cards tick to get your family in smh.

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I peed just outside Anderson in the bushes because it was 3 am and the building was closed.

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I don't know how ya'll do it. I graduated from this place not long ago and I'm honestly having a pretty hard time. Every job I've had is painful. I hate working over 40 hours a week just to still come up short on bills. I hate giving my life to some corporate CEO that I'll never meet. I hate not being able to do the things I love, like read and practice my art. I hate that I can't "make a living" from the things I love. I know, I know, find a job that you enjoy or at least like a bit. But, that's literally none of them or the one's I think I would like are so far out of my reach it's not even funny. I look at all the artists in the city - graphic designers and photographers and illustrators making a living from their art. I just wish I could do that. I did try to sell my designs and photography, but the only business I'd get was friends asking for a deal, discount, or freebie. Like, yes, I'd love to not eat and design your logo or take your headshots for free. The way I see it, this world is backwards. They say we have the right to pursue happiness, success, etc - the American Dream. But, for me, I move forward, not because of some light at the end of the tunnel, but because of the all consuming inferno of homelessness and desperation that chases me from behind.

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