Hamline  Confessions

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"It may be me, but I feel like generic posts might actually apply to my life. Go figure. That being said, I'm really curious to know who wrote this post: "I'm going crazy. I dated an amazing girl for a really short time and I fell for her.. hard. She seemed to really like me in the beginning but something had happened that made her break up with me. She told me a reason but i don't think she was being truthful. Now I'm sad. FQWPFNKLAEWODFMACVPAIJEFMDPADKVOMEPFAEIWOFJDSVME""

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"I have changed so much in 4 years... I have tried to change who I am and yet no one has noticed the change and I'm still treated horribly and ignored... Oh well I'm almost done with this place hopefully the next place life takes me I will finally feel at home...."

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"I have a crush on jeremiah osokp but don't know how to go about telling him. P.s. do you know if he is single?"

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"Am I the only one that stays up tll 4am every night? Or do other people do this too. Cause I swear my dorm is just dead by that time."

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"The circumstances around me feel out of control, and I don't know what to do. I honestly feel like I'm going insane and nobody understands. I need help, I've been reaching out but it just seems to backfire. I just want someone to understand me emotionally."

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"Forrest, sometimes I wish you would see me staring at you.. at least you would notice me..."

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"To the guy that randomly started talking to me while we were waiting at starbucks...I wish I knew your name and that my drink hadn't been ready so quickly because it made my life that you decided to talk to me. and I hope your midterms went or are going well."

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"Not to sound pretentious, but I had a Twitter when it wasn't cool. Actually, I had a Twitter when people would say, "Why? Twitter is so dumb." AND ALL I HAVE TO SAY TO THOSE PEOPLE NOW IS FUCK YOU - YOU TWEET THE DUMBEST SHIT EVERY 24 SECONDS SO STOP PRETENDING LIKE YOU LOVE TWITTER BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WAS THE DUMBEST THING EVER ONCE UPON A TIME. Sorry - I'm just really bitter about that."

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