Hamline  Confessions

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"I can't stand my roommate. Please, to all of you out there - if you are the messier one between you and your roommate, get your shit together and stop being a pig. Do your dishes, take out your trash, do your damn laundry (WASHING YOUR BEDDING IS INCLUDED IN "DOING LAUNDRY"). Those dorm rooms start to smell after a while, ya know. Oh, and please, ladies, conceal your vibrators from plain sight. Your roommates (and their friends) really don't want to know the color (or shape) of your vibrator. Please and thank you."

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"I'm having a nostalgic moment. Due to bad spring-time allergies, my throat is really sore (among other allergy related things) and it's reminding me of how sore my throat was the day after I gave my first blowjob. These are the precious moments we should all live for, people. This is only relevant to Hamline in the fact that I am sitting in my dorm room at Hamline at the moment. Sorry I'm not sorry."

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"To the girl concerned with overly generic posts applying to her: I'm the guy who wrote "She seemed to really like me in the beginning but something had happened that made her break up with me. She told me a reason but i don't think she was being truthful. Now I'm sad" Feel free to send a message and catch up with whoever you think you left behind and if it just so happens to be me answering that message, I just want to talk and let both our minds rest easy. If turns out to be someone else I'm sure they'd appreciate the message just as much"

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"Wanna holla real quick at Joe Vetter! You're a star."

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"My fuck buddy comes home this weekend. To bang or not to bang? That is the question."

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"Is it wierd that I watched an episode of LOST on my tablet while taking a shower? I just really like the hot water, heck, any ladies wanna join?:D"

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"I just got a new phone, and so I had to delete all the dirty pictures on my old one so my techie bro could transfer all my info. I'm kind of upset I lost them, there were some really good ones on there!"

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"I have a newfound crush on a female student worker in the Accounting/Payroll office. Such a cutie."

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