Hamline  Confessions

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"To the person that submitted ""If you say you want to be my friend again, then tell me yourself. Don't rely on mutual friends you pussy bitch. Man up."" I don't know who you are, but I found it hilarious and ironic that you would tell someone to man up and talk to you in person, and here you are yelling at them...anonymously. Sounds like me like you have some manning up up of your own to do.."bitch.""

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"Girl that walks by our home everyday.....Stay off of our Lawn!!"

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"I think Hamline should just buy the 'Midway Motel' across the street and build a hockey rink for the hockey teams or something. It's great that they now have 'color tv', but it's janky, and makes Hamline look like a part of that. No thanks."

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"My profile picture isn't an equal sign because I think the Supreme Court is going to log on Facebook and see it. It's an equal sign so show I support equality. I believe my gay family members, gay/lesbian friends and everyone else out their who is a little "different" than society's standards deserve a chance to marry. They deserve equal rights and I do believe it is time for a redefinition of marriage. Have you seen divorce rates? Why is it okay for straight people who don't even love each one another to just up and get married but yet some people are disgusted by the idea of two committed gays getting married? So, I'm sorry that you don't like the equal signs, I'm sorry you're a bigot, I'm sorry your religion doesn't believe in equality but leave people alone. This will not take away any of your rights. Get. Over. It. And to those EXTREMELY ignorant people, stop comparing gay rights to gun rights. You disgust me."

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"I have a very serious disorder and I need help with it and I'm curious..... Are their others that share this disorder..... When I first get a new song... And I really enjoy it.... I put that sucker on one repeat and jam away for almost an hour on the same song!!!"

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"I know a lot of guys 'manscape' now, but I actually really like a bit of hair down there. I think it's really sexy."

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"If you say you want to be my friend again, then tell me yourself. Don't rely on mutual friends you pussy bitch. Man up."

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"Haley O'Connor is so damn beautiful! :) I would love to date her."

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