Hamline  Confessions

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"At the end of the day...the juice is worth the squeeze"

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"Guys stress me out sooo much they give me zits!..."

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"Here's hoping Tori Liston is even slightly gay..."

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"I read your blog...I feel the exact same way sometimes, especially today for some reason, after meeting all of your wonderful friends this past week, seeing you crush on someone at a time when I think you could use a good companionship like that. and yet I'm melancholy because I wish I could be that for you, and torn by the fact that my care for you, and not even knowing you for a year, goes much more deeper than that, you've been the one true friend I feel I can solely relate to up here, and I'm so thankful for that, and I want to see you happy. Yet, as you said, it's rather hard to feel that when your friends, the companions in which are there to esteem you, are esteemed by another with whom their intimacy is of a different level, and you have none like that of your own."

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"i have a huge crush on someone who goes to hamline. the only thing is i'm really discouraged when it comes to approaching him because i've had the worst luck with guys at hamline so far (usually they turn out to be gay or just flat out not interested). i really wanna talk to him. i just don't know how without being rejected."

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"Hamline's Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware"

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"I love Emily Corwin so much. If there is anyone on this campus, or on this planet that dislikes her, I have one thing to say to you: you're wrong and I hate you."

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"I fucking LOVE the salt on Chipotle's chips. So salty. So delicious. I'll go to Chipotle and just buy like 3 bags of chips at a time to have on hand whenever I'm low on sodium. Seriously though.... WHO DOESN'T LOVE THAT LIME-Y SALTY SALT ON THOSE DELICIOUS CHIPS?! I don't understand why I'm not morbidly obese."

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