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TNTech Confessions
#4021 Why do people think the USA is the best country in the world? Sure, you can build yourself up from nothing, but you can also do absolutely nothing and still be supported by everyone else's efforts. But what if you don't want to be apart of this fast-paced lifestyle and be bombarded with media and technology? Why do we feel so bad for indigenous tribes and people living without electricity? Yes, they contract disease and die young at times, but they are SO HAPPY. They live reality, while we are living a stimulated reality. They pick our values, our morals, and control us to the point that most of us are mindless. We have becomes tools to support the ultra rich and powerful.. Essentially, indentured servants. I'm not ungrateful, I am glad I have not experienced extreme tragedy. But what kind of life is this? I love college because I love gaining information, but I don't want to be used as a tool in industry.. 2 weeks of vacation? What about family? What kind of culture is this... we throw away the old into nursing homes because people feel they will bring them down and destroy their lifestyle of being young. If they aren't working, they are worthless in our culture.. How sick! Does anyone else feel this?!
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