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TNTech Confessions
#4024 This isn't really a confession. But it seems like a place to get advice without being embarrassed. I tend to feel depressed. It is like I can not get happy. I have a huge heart, love my family, love music, have a ton of friends, a few real close ones, good job, gonna graduate soon, no girlfriend( I want a relationship but when I get close to someone I push them away and don't know why. Might jut be normal in the dating world) but I'm in good shape, I'm somewhat book smart( you know how school goes) , some people might call me funny. I love Jesus but i have failed him over and over again. I pray but not hard enough. I know He could help me through this but I wanna hear what tou guys have to say....So things are going good BUT not really. I still feel down about things most of the time. Depressed about little things. Feel like I'm never going to achieve higher. Feel very alone even though I'm surrounded by friends and family all the time. I just feel different from everyone else. Very different! and don't tell me to take anti depressants cause that stuff is bullshit and nobody should take that crap. I just don't know what's going on or where I'm headed and I'm tired of going around in circles and feeling like this all the time .......sincerely .. Another college student
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