PugetSound Confessions

It seems like everybody in this age group posts/shares pictures on Facebook with cliche images and bright cursive writing talking about being open minded and not ignorant and speaking your mind and not caring what people think because you're just being you.
But do you all remember last year when that girl wrote in the opinions section of the school paper talking about how bad and annoying this generation is? I bet you do. You all went ape shit over it. For no reason. She was writing in the OPINIONS section and she was speaking her mind. I for one loved the article. It was refreshing. I just think it was very hypocritical of you all to hate on her for speaking her mind in a place where she had every right to do so.
Not only did you all give her shit for it, but you tried getting her fired from the paper because "her writing skills were not good" and "she didn't use proper structure" and other nonsense like that. Lets not forget she wrote a couple articles before that one and none of you said anything negative about her writing skills. Then all of a sudden, it's "butthurt butthurt butthurt" from all of you.
I can't remember your name, mystery writer, but thank you. Thank you for being brave enough to write down your thoughts and sticking by them. You inspired me to start writing poetry. Believe it or not, you had some supporters. Haters gonna hate. You stay classy and never let anybody get you down.
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