ORU Confessions

#469 This is the first time I have read this page and it hurts my heart. I am so sad to see such division between people who are supposed to love Christ. My sins are no worse than yours and yours are no worse than the next persons. Sin is wrong because it hurts people. It hurts the people sinning and the God who loved them so dearly. We are called to morn for those who are trapped and hurt by sin whether it is their own or the sins of someone else. If you are hurting than please talk to someone because we want to help. We aren't perfect. We won't always handle it the right way. But that's what makes us human and why we are all on the same level. If you have a chip on your shoulder than you are just as bad. You are hurting others and that is not showing the love of God to those who might need you. I am not perfect, I have made more mistakes than people might think, but I want to love you guys and God loves you more than anyone here on earth can. So please don't take our human sin-filled example as a true reflection of God b/c we will mess it up. Look to Him to find out who He is.
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