ORU Confessions

#445 The ironic thing about #443 is that it's just another person complaining. About people complaining. Most of these confessions arent even people proud of something stupid like you said. And most of those were trolls. And even if they were true, those people were blaming themselves, no one else. As for the ones who are hurt at hypocrites, i am sure as heck one of those. I spent a week sleeping in the prayer gardens and underneath the stairwell in icafe like i was homeless because it was better than dealing with hatred and called names by the "good christian" girls who were also preaching to people in other countries. My chaplain took me into her room and asked me if I had herpes. Instead of telling me she was told that after gossiping about me with the other girls, she said "god revealed to me that you were sleeping around." It was like getting punched in the face by God himself. it was hurtful. but im still going to law school and still a Christian. Im not pointing my finger and sulking in sorrow, and neither are most of these people. its people sharing testimonies, and some may still be hurt. Ill always share my testimony with others dealing with the same utter hypocrisy and Im not going to apologize to you because its a testimony you dont have anything in common with. Kid, whoever you are, there is a huge difference between people here needing to grow up (they'll get there) and people dealing with hurt. This is a perfect place. And every now and then, someone like you comes along who is so disgusted by some troll on here or so disgusted by someone with a high school mindset who thinks they're super badass for playing beer pong that you can't even acknowledge the positive change. LGBTs are finally realizing they aren't alone and not everyone hates them, or people admitting they were bullied like I just did to help them deal, or others letting everyone know not everyone is a hypocrite. This group is the soul reason why I decided to apply another semester at ORU. I'm realizing I'm not alone in what I went through. I get really concerned about people like you going into the business field thinking drinking a beer or making out with someone is a sin. If people point fingers, that's between them and God and they'll have to grow up. Whoever you are, pull the halo out of your hiney and see that God can work in ways you aren't personally used to
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