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Hamline Confessions
"Lauren Hall,
The relationship you and your boyfriend have just makes me feel so warm and happy inside. I was in a long distance relationship with a guy for about 16 months (give or take the time it took for us to become "official" haha) and he lived just under 1,200 miles away. We have something in common - we know how it feels to love someone SO much who is SO far away. The lows are low, but the highs from getting to actually see that person are so crazily high. It's amazing. This guy and I broke up in the fall/winter-ish season, so clearly, we weren't made for each other...but I just wanted to tell you that it makes me so happy to see a couple who stays strong through the tough stuff involved in a long distance relationship. So if anytime you're feeling down about things and missing your man, just know that you've got an additional person (since it seems like you have a lot of support as is) that's cheering for you and your sweetie 110%. :)"
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