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lmu Stats

Total Confessions: 739
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
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Wednesday, 29 April 2015 09:32 PM

The night fog at LMU legitimately smells like poop and sulfur to me. I can't open my windows at night because the smell of poop fills my room and I live in McKay so that's saying something.
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Wednesday, 29 April 2015 06:40 PM

The other day I was looking at some porn online, when I happened to come across an image of a girl that is one of my friends here. I feel compelled to tell her about what I discovered, because it seems as if the photos were taken without her knowledge. The only problem is that doing so requires me to tell her how I found the photos in the first place...
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Wednesday, 29 April 2015 12:15 AM

You know, it's sad when so many people manage to be worse than me at driving when I am an Asian woman! You can learn right-of-way and which way to drive in the Hannon lot, et cetera, et cetera.
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Monday, 27 April 2015 08:03 PM

Last Friday I was driving back to campus when a couple of students decided that it would be okay to walk across LINCOLN FUCKING BOULEVARD while the cars had a green light. Let's keep our pedestrian arrogance contained to campus.
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Monday, 27 April 2015 01:26 PM

LMU: where if it's free, it's included In tuition.
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Monday, 27 April 2015 09:55 AM

I hate feeling like I have to be drunk or really into partying in order to have friends. When I drink I say stupid shit or get emotional and I know that that's not who I really am, but that's the version of me that people end up seeing and I get so self-conscious. A lot of the time I end up isolating myself because I get so embarrassed and anxious. I've seen family members go through this and end up with drinking problems because they're afraid to change anything, in case they end up alone or without any friends. I don't have a drinking problem now, but I'm so scared of going down that same road.
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Sunday, 26 April 2015 11:29 PM

My suite mates have been so obnoxious for this entire year, but I've been just letting it go to try to live with minimal conflict. They are so unapologetically impolite and disrespectful in so many ways. I'm considering reporting them before the year ends just to get a little jab for the rudeness from the entire year... maybe.
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Sunday, 26 April 2015 02:39 AM

Every weekend I meet the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I'm gonna miss these parties once graduation comes around.
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lmu Stats

Total Confessions: 739
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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