#winning Confessions

Thursday, 06 August 2020 08:38 PM

My freshman year of college I met my girlfriend’s parents. Her dad gave me crabs. Her parent’s were divorced. So, I gave them to her mom and her brother.
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Tuesday, 21 July 2020 09:36 AM

I've done this thing for every SO I've had in the past, where I learn their language, understand their culture, study their trade and expertise, and figure out how to cook things from their cuisine. I've come to be fluent in 7 languages, and able to cook things from 4 different cultural cuisines. I do this because it makes me more knowledgeable of cultures, and also because I really want to impress their parents.

My girlfriend is Filipino, and her parents both speak Tagalog. I'm trying to impress them by learning their language and culture, and cooking their food. I'm also teaching myself medical topics and psychology because she's a psych major and her parents are caregivers (plus I'm doing my PhD in virology). Any suggestions?
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Tuesday, 16 June 2020 02:08 PM

Covid19 got me laid off from work and nor im jobless and barely have money to live. I’m on the verge of not being able to continue my study next semester. I looked online and tried this online survey thing. THIS IS NOT SPONSORED OR ANYTHING bur those thing really bring you some extra money. It’s not much tho but i’ve been able to afford grocery from that and i thought maybe some of you need extra money. Here’s the link https://www.dailyrewards.com/r/155375362&s=7
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Wednesday, 22 April 2020 09:49 AM

expensive ass school
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Tuesday, 24 March 2020 10:10 PM

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Monday, 24 February 2020 01:04 PM

#31748 I’m underweight because I spend all of my money on other stuff and I don’t have enough money left over for food. I feel like I shouldn’t be asking for help because it’s my fault, but I am also so hungry
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Wednesday, 19 February 2020 04:39 PM

#31747 4 yrs at Purdue ECE and haven’t met someone I’d call a friend. I have a lot of acquaintances but none close enough to be a friend. Purdue was the loneliest time for me. So glad it’ll be over. Hoping for a better social life where I’ll be going after graduation.
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Friday, 14 February 2020 02:19 PM

Hi, this is John. I work for the Bloomberg campaign and have an offer to give whoever runs this page. Please post the following on your page, and depending on the reactions we may contact you for a very lucrative opportunity.


Yo what's up YCP? As a college student from the millennial generation, I am not alone in wanting *real change* in our country and our government. We can't surrender our safety to the NRA, we can't surrender our democracy to Donald Trump, and we can't let weak extreme candidates like Bernie Sanders, or weak inexperienced candidates like Pete Buttigieg (let's face it, you and I know that we aren't ready for a fellow millennial President) fail us in what is perhaps the most important election of our lifetime.

And while I don't want another old white dude like Joe Biden...because we've had too many old white dude Presidents...let's face it, we need a guy who can win...

Mike Bloomberg can...and I'm going to do my best to convince you.

I don't agree with everything he did as mayor, but he has the abudance of resources, experience, intelligence, and bipartisan appeal needed to take on Donald Trump.

He is centrist, reasonable, sane. He won't propose ideas that will bankrupt the country like Bernie's medicare for all or Yang's UBI.

He offers rational pragmatic solutions to the gun violence epidemic. There's a reason that New York City has less school shootings than Florida and Texas.

He offers rational pragmatic solutions to climate change. He won't wreck the economy trying to fix it like Bernie would, but he's also not an anti-science cretin like Donald Trump.

He has real experience managing the largest city in the United States, bringing both sides together to bring down crime, attract talented and ambitious individuals to boost the city's economy, fixing various issues with a rational non-ideological problem solving oriented approach.

He has a smarter, realistic plan than the others to solve the student debt crisis to that people like you and me can finally live our lives unburdened by it! While I appreciate the fact that Bernie talks about the need to solve it...let's face it, we need a realist like Mike to MAKE IT HAPPEN

....and lets face it...his memes are hilarious, maybe even the spiciest AND chillest of all the bois on instagram,facebook,twitter, and tiktok.

Let's Unite With Mike!
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